In our literacy class this week we are learning about how to break words up into syllables. When you say a word you can 'conduct' how may chunks you can hear. We used our hand to conduct words like cer - ti -fi -cate (4 syllables) in our syllable bingo game.
Here is Mina using the Elkonin boxes to say and hear the sounds in a word. As she says the word she is pushing up a counter for each sound she hears. Then, Mina uses her tool hand to help her write the word.
Mina is pretty clever!
Rebecca is on the Starfall site on one of the links on our blog.
The games that go with the books are really great for seeing how words are made up.
Here is Koby doing some super reading. His group has been learning how to use the bits they know about a word to work out the rest. They have super expression in their reading.
In one of our other groups- someone had a tricky word about a lamb who 'bleated'. This was a tricky word so we looked for what we already knew - we saw the eat in bleated, and put the bl in front. Good readers use what they know to help them work out words they are unsure of.
Have a great week!
Hey guys, Its great to see you all working hard and enjoying your reading and spelling. I really enjoy Rebecca coming home and telling me what she has learnt and the confidence in her reading a story that she knows is great. Rebecca and I played Battleships with the words and we loved it. Keep up the great work everybody