Each Monday to Thursday a group of Year 2 and 3 children come down to Room 2 to have Literacy Learning with Mrs Mitchell-Bain. This time is for reading, spelling and handwriting. The main writing session is done in the children's own room.
Each Monday, we have a Poetry focus. Each child has a 'Treasured Book of Poetry' that their poem of the week goes into. During the week this forms part of their home learning, with an emphasis on reading with expression, fluency and using a clear voice. On a Thursday we recite our poems to the whole class.
Mrs Mitchell-Bain reads a story to everyone each day. At the moment the book we are reading, is a funny story called 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl.
On a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday all children have a reading book that comes home to read - as well as practising their poem of the week.
Once spelling gets up and running, children will also have a small spelling list to practise each week. We know that all children learn in different ways - so there will be a variety of ways to learn your words.
This blog has some links to literacy sites for reading and spelling for your child. As the term goes along this blog will become a publishing area for the children to tell you about what they are learning and comment on books they have read.
We LOVE parent comments - so please, once the children start blogging, please take a little time to leave a comment for them.
to literacy class me and my mum and dad love literacy class coss you guys are
. my baby bother is nele 9 mothers old from mina
cool josiah from kelli