Kia Ora Everyone,
Welcome back to Term 4. This term we are exploring and learning about 'How people tell their stories'. There are many ways we can tell the stories of our culture, community and ourselves.
As part of this learning each class will be visiting the Marae this term, with the juniors off to Araiteuru next week and the seniors going to Puketeraki in early November.
We are learning our mihi so we can confidently introduce ourselves, this is a way we can share with others who we are and where we come from.
Later in the week we are looking forward also to Kat-Anna-Fiddle Duo who are coming into school for a storytelling session.
Below are the mihi formats that the Year 2 and 3 children are using. You can support them by practising these each night as part of their reading home learning. The highlighted part in each mihi is the new line that is added from one years learning to the next. You will see that in Year 3 we add our surname and where we are from. We challenge mums and dads to have a go at using the year 3 format to have a go at learning their own mihi -your child will be able to share their knowledge to help you out.-->
Year 2 Mihi
Kia ora koutou,
Ko …………. toku matua.
Ko……………toku whaea.
Ko………..toku kura.
Ko…………….toku ingoa.
No reira, Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou
Informal Greetings to you (3+),
2 My father
3 My Mother
4 My school is…………….
5 My name is…………………...
6 Therefore, Greetings
, greetings, greetings to you all.
Year 3 Mihi
Kia ora koutou,
Ko …………………toku matua.
Ko …………………toku whaea.
Ko………………….toku kura.
Ko ………………….toku ingoa.
Ko ………………..toku ingoa
No ………………ahau.
No reira, Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou
1 Informal Greetings to you (3+),
2 My father is……………………
3 My mother is……………………
4 My school is…………………..
5 My name is……………………
6 My family
name(surname) is…………………….
7 I am
8 Therefore, Greetings, greetings, greetings to you
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