Monday, July 30, 2012

Poetry Reflection

We have been spending some time each day in class to listen to each others poems. There are important learning goals we are really trying to master so others can hear and enjoy the poem we are sharing.  We give each other feedback on something we did really well and then give some feedforward on a goal we need to keep working on.
The big goals we have had are:
  • Using lots of expression to really tell the story of the poem
  • Project our voices so we can be heard right at the back
  • Use a clear voice
  • Use pause for effect and let people hear our message (it's easy to go too fast when you know a poem well or are nervous!) 

Josiah is above sharing his poem Jack Frost.  You can tell he's really been practising as he knows it from memory and has lots of expression!

Only a couple of weeks away until we are sharing our poems in front of other classes!  How exciting!


  1. cool poem josiah
    from zoe

  2. cool jack frost pome josiah. from Luke.
